Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to Deal With a Narcissistic Boss - 3 Effective Tips to Deal Your Narcissistic Boss

How to deal with a narcissistic boss begins with understanding how their personality works. Being narcissistic is characterized by self-centeredness. They are those who always seek attention and praise, usually exaggerating their achievements and assumes for everyone to consider them as superior. They always make first good impressions but often have difficulty of keeping long lasting relationships.


A narcissistic boss usually considers his staff as mere suppliers of praise, approval, admiration and attention. Readily shifts the blame and would resort to demeaning and humiliating others just to preserve their sense of superiority.

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If your boss possesses these qualities, resigning from your job is not the answer. It is simply learning how to adapt and deal with that kind of boss will not only make your life at the workplace less complicated but also productive.

Here are a few guidelines on how to deal with a narcissistic boss:

Never disagree with the narcissist much more contradict him. You are better off keeping your thoughts to yourself. You will only put yourself on a bad footing with your boss and soon find yourself a target for negative comments thereafter. You will never win an argument with somebody who never backs down and owns up to his mistakes. Pretend to be in amazement of all the attributes that matter to him. For example his professional achievements, his good looks or with his success in women. It would be like massaging his ego even more which will make you even more unmatchable to his so called greatness and thus farther from being noticed. Do not make any remarks which might directly or indirectly bears upon his self-image, superior judgment, skills or professional record. Your sentences should never start with: you cannot, you overlooked, you should or do you know, as these are interpreted as rude impositions. A narcissistic boss reacts badly to what they take as restrictions on their freedom.

How to Deal With a Narcissistic Boss - 3 Effective Tips to Deal Your Narcissistic Boss People search Deal and look in this page

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