Thursday, December 1, 2011

How to Deal With Chronic Vandalism

You are being targeted. The vandalism to which you are being subjected is not random. You've reported the problem to local law enforcement agencies, but without evidence, there is little they can do. You are getting worried, and fear is leading to sleepless nights and anxiety. You wonder when it will all end, if ever.


The good news is that such incidents do not go on forever. In most cases, either the vandal is caught, or he will eventually lose interest and move on to other activities. But there are steps you can take to both help protect your property and assist the authorities in finding those responsible for the vandalism.

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The first thing you need to do is figure out why you are being targeted. If your home backs onto a public road or pathway, it may simply be that your property is a convenient target for graffiti taggers and rambunctious street youth. Otherwise, it may be someone that you suspect is upset with you. Either way, it's important to narrow down the motives behind the vandalism.

If you are being victimized due to the location of your home, a few simple steps can make all the difference in securing your property. The first thing to do is get together with your neighbors and conduct a lighting audit.

Walk by vandals are opportunistic in nature, and will avoid committing an act of vandalism in a well lit area. Identify areas which are too dark and work with your neighbors to brighten things up. Install subtle yet effective lighting - enough to deter, but not so strong that it bothers other residents. Also consider the installation of a fake security camera. Such devices are available for less than and can provide the additional deterrence required to make a vandal think twice.

If you are being specifically targeted, things get a little more involved, but not impossible. Police get many reports of vandalism, most of which lead to investigations that rarely get solved. The truth is, in many jurisdictions, such calls are a low priority. This is why you must get fully engaged and provide law enforcement agencies with a strong dossier of background information and evidence in order to secure charges against the perpetrators.

You cannot reasonably expect to stand watch on your property 24 hours a day. Chances are, the incidents of vandalism will occur late at night when you are sleeping. And even if you did witness the vandalism, you still would not have sufficient evidence to present to investigators. But do not despair, there is a solution.

Your best tool in this situation is video surveillance. Not only do security cameras provide comprehensive surveillance on a 24/7 basis, they are also one of the most effective deterrents against crime. You can sleep easy, knowing your night vision cameras and DVR (Digital Video Recorder) are on watch duty 24 hours a day.

Many security camera packages are available at a one time cost in the 0 range. Such packages include 4 night vision cameras, along with a Digital Video Recorder to record events when motion occurs. And unlike remotely monitored security systems, there are no re-occurring fees. Once installed, you will be well positioned to collect the evidence required to secure and protect your property. Investigators will tell you that in most cases, when vandals are shown the video evidence against them, they will admit to their crime. And once caught, they rarely re-offend.

Vandals thrive on anonymity - they strike when it's dark, when they feel nobody is watching. They often suffer from low self-esteem and have little respect for their environment and community. And they all share the same fear. The shame and social stigma of being caught and identified. Take away the darkness they so cherish, and you will bring them to their knees.

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