Monday, December 12, 2011

Psychology Tips - How to Deal With Insomnia

The Problem


There are three types of insomnia: you can not fall asleep, wake up several times during the night, get up very early.

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The causes

What can disturb sleep? Yes, anything: stress at work, disappointments, the noise outside, alcohol, drugs, long-range flight, shift work, hard bed, soft bed, disorder in the biological clock.

As a rule, there is always a fully explainable reason. Either you are worried about something or the environment does not allow you to fully relax, say psychologists.

Is it serious?

In most cases, insomnia lasts a few days or a couple of weeks, until you resolve the situation that cause sleep disturbance. You feel tired, irritable, in general, not in spirit. But once the sleep is restored, everything comes back to normal. However, lack of sleep, lasting more than three weeks, beyond the normal and can be an alarm indicating the need to consult a doctor or psychologist.

What should I do?

Urgent actions:

The afternoon sleep do no harm, it recharge your energy if your strength is running out, but too long naps can interfere with sleep at night. Better just refuse to nap or shorten its duration to half hour or even less.

Going to bed - a ritual. Many people have no concept of sleep hygiene, in other words, do not work out the right habits relating to bedtime. Invent your own evening ritual to prepare the body and brain for the period of rest. Go and take a walk, take a half hour before bedtime for reading or watching TV, do easy exercises or stretching parameter for relaxation.

Go to bed when wanted. If you do not want to sleep, do not force yourself to go to bed: you still can not sleep, and will just toss and turn from side to side. Go to bed only when you are really tired.

If you wake up, then get up! No matter how short was your night's rest, all the time, including a weekend, get up at the same time. If you have difficulty falling asleep, should adopt a more rigorous routine. Do not expect that your body will behave differently on weekdays and weekends.

Do not torture, have a snack. Hunger, sometimes is driving sleep away. Glass of milk and crackers or an apple before bed will help satisfy hunger and help to fall asleep. But the food should be very easy. You should not gorge on before going to bed.

Alternative solutions

Relax. To sleep, we should get rid of worries. Try using a simple technique of auto-suggestion, namely: slow breathing through your nose, focus on the relaxation of leg's muscles. Imagine that your feet and bone swell weight, immersed in the bed and lose sensitivity. A few minutes later in exactly the same focus on the shins, knees and so on. Perhaps, before it comes to head, you will already be fast asleep. What have to do is to disconnect from extraneous thoughts and worries and focus on relaxing the body.

Take a sedative herb. Before going to bed drink a tea of valerian - recommended by many doctors. There are many clinical and historical evidence of the effectiveness of valerian as a sedative. In some cases, valerian eliminates the anxiety and alarm. Pour a tablespoon of dry plant material with boiling water (0.5 liters), and leave for 3-4 minutes. Drink before bedtime as needed.

Go out into the light. Perhaps you are a night owl who does not sleep until two o'clock in the night, or a night owl, sleep in the early evening and wake up at 4 am. In any case, you are not like the rest of humanity. The reason may be your biological clock, which are either behind or in a hurry. Light indicates to your brain when to sleep or stay awake. With bright lighting, you may be able to adjust your clocks. Maybe all you need is more visit the open air in the daytime.

Bright light in the morning can shift the phase of sleep of "owls" so that they will be workable in the morning and ready for bed at night, not late at night. "Larks" can move bedtime due to bright light in the evening. It may be advisable to carry out daily on the street 45-60 minutes. Knowing that you will be in the sun for a long time, be sure to spread it with a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher.


Before dinner, make some efforts. Vigorous exercise - brisk walking or cycling for 20-30 minutes - speed up the metabolism and raises body temperature by four to five hours. If you do physical activity for five or six hours before sleep, metabolic rate gradually decreases to the time your body will naturally ready to bed. However, if you make physical activity late at night, you're too excited to sleep. Physical exercise - a great remedy for insomnia, if deal with them in time. They will help secure the natural biorhythms of the body, in addition, due to physical stress you will feel tired.

For a more professional help go visit a psychologist or a doctor, or consult one of them online.

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